Reggio Emilia

Summer Institute & Reggio Study Tour Opportunities

house Karlee Zelmer Jul 6, 2024


West Coast Reggio is hosting a summer institute: Honouring Children as Creators, Thinkers and Communicators on Aug. 22-23 at the St. Michaels University School's Junior School Campus in Victoria, British Columbia. The two days of learning, sharing and collaboration will be highlighted by key presentations who will present on the below dates:

Thursday, August 22

  • Janice Novakowski: Experiencing Mathematics and Science through a Reggio-Inspired Lens
  • Misty Paterson: Designing for Holistic, Connected Learning through Concepts and Materials

Friday, August 23

  • Matt Glover: Valuing More Than We Can See: Nurturing Language Composition
  • Guided participant sessions with Janice Novakowski and Misty Paterson

Please click here for more information and registration.


The Vancouver Reggio Association is facilitating a Study Group conducted by Reggio Children in Reggio Emilia, Italy from March 17-21, 2025! More information and registration can be found on Eventbrite. Registered participants are on an email list and will be sent regular updates and invitations to Study Group Zoom conversations and other events. ~the Vancouver Reggio Association