Anniversary Dinner

Our 25th Anniversary Celebration

house Fabiola Barrios Salas May 15, 2024

On Friday, May 3rd approximately 50 members and educators celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Calgary Reggio Network Association at the Italian Cultural Center. The dinner provided an opportunity to reconnect and enjoy moments with colleagues and celebrate the CRNA’s contributions which have deepened and promoted the Reggio-Inspired practice in our communities.

During the event, the CRNA had the opportunity to pay tribute to Dr. Pat Tarr, Founder of the CRNA and current president. Karlee Zelmer, Sayward Wilkinson Blanc, and Laurie Androsoff, who are members of the Board of Directors, conducted the ceremony and shared their experiences of working together with Pat. After the dinner, Dave Kelly gave a virtual presentation titled “Making the Space for Joy”. Dave Kelly, who is currently the Director of First Presbyterian Nursery School in Santa Monica, California, was one of the initial educators to collaborate with the CRNA in our very first Summer Institutes. Mr. Kelly shared an incredible journey of co-constructing magical learning environments for a community of children, educators, and parents.

Finally, the CRNA hosted a Silent Auction Fundraiser supported by board members and friends of the association. The proceeds from this event will go towards future workshops and initiatives for the Calgary Reggio Network. There are still a few items left from the Silent Auction that will be available to bid on until May 31. Click here to view and bid:

Silent Auction

Karlee Zelmer, Sayward Wilkinson Blanc & Laurie Androsoff

Pat Tarr