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Inspiration. Connection. Dialogue.

Calgary Reggio Network Association is grounded and inspired by the practices of the early childhood centres in Reggio Emilia and provides support, professional learning, opportunities for collaboration and resources within the Canadian context.

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Second Date Potential of Plastics
Limited tickets available for this second session on the Potential of Plastics with Dr. Alex Berry. How might early childhood education inherit and respond to plastic crises? Explore how collaborative artistic processes may propose new ways of relating with toxic waste. This workshop is hosted in partnership with Common Digs Inc. and will be at our new Remida inspired REimagine Centre!
Encounters with Materials Book Club
Monday February 3rd 7-8 PM on Zoom! We will be reading and discussing Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood Education (Second Edition) by Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, Sylvia Kind and Laurie L.M. Kocher. These meetings will be held online and run the first Monday of the month.
About Us

Calgary Reggio

The Calgary Reggio Network Association grew out of the Reggio Revisited Exhibition held by local teachers inspired by the Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit from Reggio Emilia, Italy. This exhibit was hosted in Calgary in 1997. At that time, an informal network of approximately 30 teachers was formed to engage in opportunities for dialogue and mutual support as they explored the Reggio philosophy. The network continued to grow and began offering professional development opportunities through network meetings and collaborating with other organizations to host summer institutes. When the Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit returned in 2006, it generated great interest within the Calgary community and across Western Canada. In 2007, the Calgary Reggio Network Association (CRNA) formalized its status as a non-profit society. The CRNA currently boasts a diverse membership of over 900 which includes educators, parents, child care providers, artists, social workers and other professionals.

More About Us

“Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water.” – Loris Malaguzzi.

The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an innovative educational philosophy that rose from the ashes of World War II in a city in northern Italy (Reggio Emilia). Loris Malaguzzi, local citizens, the municipality and several local administrators created a network of infant-toddler centres and preschools. This educational project is internationally acclaimed and serves as inspiration to promote quality education and research.


Creative Recycling Centre

The Calgary Reggio Network Association and Common Digs Inc. are in the process of starting our own creative recycling centre, the REimagine Centre, that would be modeled after the Remida Centre in Reggio Emilia. This centre would allow local artists, children, educators and community members to access and purchase recycled materials for creative endeavours, provide educational and artistic workshops and host community events. The ReImagine Centre would be a visionary space that embraces waste pedagogies with the dynamic convergence of creative expression, environmental consciousness, and educational innovation. It will embody opportunities for creativity using "waste materials", fostering dialogue and collaborative action for local artists, schools and families serving as a catalyst for transformative change in Calgary. If you are interested in helping with this project in any way please contact us.

To the REimagine Centre

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